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Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2020

my future job

  Hello everyone, in this new entry I will talk about my future job The kind of work I did like to have would be office work, in some ministry, but with exits from time to time, so as not to get bored. Inside, I imagine it as a modern place with a window that shows some landscape, but not very large and on the outside I imagine something gray, without trees or plants. Because would be a job indoor. I would like to travel at work, but not many times as I am a little bad by the changes, and they can get me wrong, so just a little trips. I don't care much about salary, because if I am happy that will do me enough, it has to be what it takes to be able to live day to day. I am studying the public administration specialty, which I like very much and it gives me the option to get the job that I want and that I like. As a child, I thought I'd be a detective, and I thought I did have to solve crimes and look for killers, but over time, faith losing strength to that idea, an

my favorite movie

 Hello everyone, in this new blog post I am going to talk about my favorite movie My favorite movie is called "get out" which is a psychological horror movie, which I like because it has unexpected things and the story is very good, which makes you can't stop watching it, it's not known, but it became popular thanks to netflix, and many people were able to watch it and comment on it. The kind of movies I like to watch are horror, action and comedy movies, as they are my favorite genres and the ones I watch frequently, as they entertain me  The most recent film I saw was "pacto de fuga" which tells the story of a prisoner escape, which was in Chile at the time of dictatorship, which I recommend because it is a very good film that has important themes of chili history, I recommend it  I'm not a big fan of watching movies, but when a movie I like it, I get to a point of obsessing over it for days, and they always leave me a teaching or something to learn.

the best concert ever

  Hello everyone in this new blog post, I will talk about "the best concert ever" The concert was the year 2016, in the “movistar arena”, which is a dome-shaped venue, which is located in the center of Santiago, I did not go to see any specific artists, as many performed, so I went for the musical genre, which is hardstyle. It is considered a subgenre of electronic music, I remember that the first time I heard it was in 2015, when a friend showed me a song called "release", of atmozfears, The atmosphere of the event was great, but it was very hot, as the venue was closed, and it had no water, so I was a little thirsty during the show. I felt very happy and euphoric at the concert as it was my first time in one and it was full of lights, which made me very happy and cheerful, besides, I went with friends, who made the day more fun. I remember it rained a lot that day, but it stopped raining at the time of the concert, which was good.